Bioresonance Therapy uses concepts of energy medicine and quantum physics to help the body’s self-regulatory system. It describes the interaction between the human bioenergetic field and frequency patterns that interact with specific parts of it. Bioresonance Therapy assists the person by boosting the healing signals that pass between the immune system and all cells in the body, while suppressing the signals given off by bacteria, viruses, allergens, and other stressors.
Everything is Frequency – Experience your Healy Frequencies!
Healy Benefits:
- Healy is a small bioresonance device to optimize your bioenergetic and emotional balance, boost your immune system, decrease pain, reduce stress, enhance sleep, memory, and so much more.
- Healy uses 144,000 frequencies in over 100+ programs. Healy can sensor your current bioresonance state, then transmit the most relevant frequencies back to your biomagnetic field remotely.
- Healy uses the quantum sensor every 10 seconds to accurately deliver biofrequencies to your body.
- Healy is a FDA Cleared microcurrent device for local relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain, as well as muscle soreness due to overexertion.
If you are interested to learn more, or consider to purchase your own Healy device, please check out the following links:
Healy Website:
Healy Shop: